A I 4 G O O D
How it works

Challenge's timeline

Launch and Registration

Get ready for the AI 4 GOOD Challenge! Registration opens as we launch the challenge, with a submission deadline of November 7th. Join us and make a positive impact in healthcare, sustainability, education, and humanitarian aid

Project Development

Participants will work on their AI projects, developing innovative solutions to address the chosen global issues. They will submit their proof of concept by the end of this phase

Evaluation and Awards

Mark your calendar for December 7th in Algiers! The AI 4 GOOD Challenge awards ceremony will take place in conjunction with the African Startup Conference. Join us to celebrate the AI projects making a positive impact in healthcare, sustainability, education, and humanitarian aid.


The AI 4 Good Challenge is more than just a competition; it’s a structured educational journey, led by FUTURIS Institute, the first accredited higher education institute specializing in the teaching and learning of innovation and technology entrepreneurship in Algeria and the African Continent.

Join us as we prepare the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs with the mindset, the knowledge and tools necessary to drive positive change in Africa’s business landscape. Together, we will contribute to a sustainable future, one innovation at a time.

Let’s join our forces to do good and to do well! Register Now!

Registration opens! Calling on all visionary entrepreneurs!

Pre-selection for training

Accelerated Training (6 sessions) – Train to Compete

Submit your 3-minute video presentation – Pitch your Innovation

Selection of National Finalists

Virtual Demo day in each country – Showcase Your Brilliance

Announcement of Continental Finalists – Get ready for Algiers Finale

Final training & pitch rehearsals in Algiers the White

Demo Day & Grand Finale – Inspire the World

What amazing project will you
create with AI?

Call for Mentors and Judges

Agricultural Productivity
Agricultural Productivity


AI Revolutionizing Sustainable Development: Efficiency, Monitoring, and Innovation

AI's ability to process vast amounts of data, make predictions, and optimize systems can significantly contribute to sustainable development by improving resource efficiency, environmental monitoring, renewable energy, urban planning, and various other critical areas.

  • Sustainability
  • Efficiency
  • Innovation
Submit your project
